A tripper carriage travels along the length of stationary troughing idler or slider conveyor and moves material off the belt at the desired location, loading individual bulk bins.

Designed for simple to complex large scale operations, tripper conveyors are industrial grade and provide the flexibility to discharge materials at any location along the length of the conveyor and to either side of the conveyor for efficient bulk bin distribution. Conveyor and tripper Carriage components are fabricated from industrial grade 304 series stainless steel.

Conveyor designs available in:
Slider conveyors 18-, 24- and 30-inch belt widths
Troughing idler conveyors 24-, 30-, 36-, 42- and 48-inch belt widths
Capacities 60 to 1,500 TPH

Key Features

Tripper Carriages
Stainless steel welded frame construction
Stainless steel welded frame construction Premium grade heavy gauge stainless steel welded frame construction
Stainless steel track and guide rollers
Stainless steel track and guide rollers Premium grade heavy gage stainless steel track and guide rollers
Heavy duty electric tripper carriage winch
Heavy duty electric tripper carriage winch Heavy duty electric tripper carriage winch driven positioning system
Bi-directional Bi-directional, manual actuated flow control (either side of conveyor)
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