Developing industry leading storage solutions

With the latest bin accessories and bin monitoring technology, AGI is giving farmers more choices on how to get the most out of their storage systems.

Scott McKernan, AGI Senior Vice President, says AGI bin accessories and bin monitoring technology combines safety, innovation and efficiency.

“AGI has a 100-plus year history of producing high quality bins and we continue to develop industry leading storage products,” says McKernan.

We recently updated our bin accessories to better fit farmer’s needs. This includes ladders, cages, rest platforms, circular stairs, roof stairs, handrails, roof peak rails and platforms and eave walkways.

“It’s never just about the bin, as durable and reliable accessories such as stairs, walkways, floors, sweeps, fans and more also contribute to a storage system’s efficiency and safety,” says McKernan.  

Farmers should also consider adding bin monitoring technology to keep them and their investment safe. AGI BinManager intelligently monitors the moisture content and temperature of the commodities inside your bin, as well as the outside air, which enables the system to automatically choose the optimal times to run fans. The technology also reduces the need to enter the bin as you can monitor your grain remotely from any internet connected device, such as your smartphone or computer.

“Grain bin monitoring technology remotely monitors grain 24-hours a day, maintains crop quality through fan temperature and moisture readings and fan automation,” says McKernan. “We recommend trying it on at least one bin to start as more bins can be added onto the system later.”

Talk to your local AGI dealer to learn more about our newly updated bin accessories and bin monitoring technology. Dealer Locator 

Watch this video to learn more about AGI storage systems.

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